
Udaipur’s City Palace Museum receives hefty grant from Getty for innovative exhibitions

In order to support the presentation of a cornucopia of treasure like illuminated manuscripts, woodcuts, silver antiques textiles prints, acid based etching and other journals in more compelling way, Getty has granted the sum of Rs 70,00,000 to Udaipur’s City Palace Museum, Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation.

Announcing a flurry of new grants worth $1.55 million to various art institutions around the world, the renowned global arts organisation, Getty is disposed to ramp up the post pandemic recovery in the cultural sector which has dealt with severe blows in the past year. The grants have been announced under the ongoing Paper Project initiative.

The galleries of 450 year old City Palace Museum, Udaipur are adorned with the  captivating priceless regal memorabilia like maps, silver antiques, textiles, paintings, armoury and others. Housed within the precincts of former abode of the rulers of Mewar, it was formally declared as a Museum open to the public in 1969 through the efforts of Maharana Bhagwat Singh of Mewar (r. 1955-1984 CE).

As per the press release, the curatorial projects represent collections of prints and drawings created across more than a millennium and dozens of countries. Apart from this, they exhibit a wide range of paper works like personal travel journals, political posters, illuminated manuscripts, architectural plans and maps, woodcuts, acid-based etchings, among others.

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According to Heather MacDonald, senior program officer at the Getty Foundation, “Permanent collections that include prints and drawings are the lifeblood of museums, archives and libraries.”

“As the cultural sector moves into post-pandemic rebuilding, institutions have a tremendous opportunity to refocus on their own holdings while they also invest in the professional growth of their staff.These grants provide the resources needed to take a deep dive into seldom-seen collections and develop creative and relatable ways to display works on paper in galleries, in print and also online.” she said in the press release.

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