
Garden of Ethers: Artisanal Jewelry Echoes Life’s Fleeting Beauty

Working from her intimate studio in Pune, Vidhi channels her inspiration from nature into creating wearable art pieces that embody her diverse interests in preservation, design, and illustration. 

Vidhi Goyal, based in Pune, is a 26-year-old artist with a deep-rooted passion for exploring the beauty and intricacies of nature through her art. Holding a BFA in painting and drawing, Vidhi considers herself a lifelong artist, with a strong foundation in artistic expression.

Known for her unique artistic style, Vidhi’s creations often feature intricate and detailed representations of flora, showcasing her keen eye for capturing the essence of nature in her work. By incorporating elements of nature into her wearable art, Vidhi aims to not only celebrate the beauty of the natural world but also to raise awareness about the importance of preserving and protecting our environment. Through her art, Vidhi invites viewers to appreciate the wonders of nature and to reflect on the profound connection between humanity and the world around us.

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“While working a design job and hustling, the little space (or may I say garden) I created for myself became a fated form of expression. I have always been fascinated with mysticism and fantasy, and the Garden of Ether eventually became an embodiment of that. It was like coming into my own. A space where I could tap more into my feminine and sensual self.”-Vidhi Goyal, Artist, Garden of Ether

“Imagine stepping into a world where every leaf, every petal tells a story of beauty and brilliance. That’s the essence of Garden of Ether, where Vidhi draws her inspiration from the organic wonders that surround us. Nature’s pace teaches her the art of slowing down, a challenge she embraced wholeheartedly. With each project she undertakes, Vidhi approaches with a deep sense of reverence, understanding the importance of preservation. This is where art meets nature, in a harmony that captures the eternal essence of botanical magnificence.

In her exploration of resin art, she rediscovered a sense of self amidst a sea of creative ideas. Transitioning from drawing and painting to working with organic materials infused her art with a newfound depth and serenity. This unconventional medium became her muse, unlocking a wellspring of creativity and a deep connection to nature. Through resin art, she found a path to self-discovery, a culmination of her lifelong admiration for the natural world.

In her artistic process, Vidhi immerses herself completely in the present moment, allowing her intuition to guide her as she works with her chosen materials. She believes that each butterfly and flower possesses a unique spirit and essence, resulting in intentionally crafted, one-of-a-kind pieces that embrace any imperfections as part of their individuality. Through a meticulous process of glazing, polishing, and meticulously protecting each element, she breathes life into her vision. Vidhi finds her most inspired work emerges when she surrenders to the natural flow of creativity without overanalyzing, embracing the beauty of exploration and growth in each artistic endeavor.

Building a unique fashion brand like ‘Garden of Ether’ poses distinctive challenges for Vidhi, especially concerning her use of specimens. While preservation methods for artistic purposes raise ethical questions, Vidhi ensures all butterflies in her creations have naturally completed their life cycles in conservation farms globally. No harm is caused to the butterflies, as they are responsibly sourced and farms meet quality standards. These eco-conscious farms not only support butterfly populations but also aid in rainforest conservation.

As a sole proprietorship, Vidhi faces the multifaceted responsibilities inherent in operating a solo venture, often operating at full capacity. The rigors of self-employment are counterbalanced by her unwavering passion for her craft. Reflecting on her odyssey with Garden of Ether, she encapsulates it as a voyage of self-discovery, embracing her circumstances, and evolving through adversities, all while engaging in a pursuit she deems a privilege to undertake.

“Crafting pieces authentically aligned with my creative vision, rather than catering to market trends, imbues my work with a sense of purpose that resonates with audiences,” expressed Vidhi.

Driven by a desire to sustain herself through her artistic pursuits, Vidhi acknowledges the profound significance of navigating life with a steadfast commitment to her craft.

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