Amidst the furore in local sellers over Ladakh border row, Chinese imports may be hit belligerently

Trade of toys, home furnishings, ceramics, kitchen wares, wooden gifts and other such accessories imported from China may face the wrath of local sellers this diwali following the angst against mischievous activities of chinese army at Ladakh border in recent times.
Generally the chinese gift items share a significant amount of festive sales in India but this season traders are up in arms against selling chinese goods and have already started procuring locally handcrafted artefacts in the line of govt’s vision of #vocalforlocal which is also complementing the popular sentiments of contempt against chinese goods, instigated by savage act of mercilessly killing the armless Indian soldiers, committed by a few Chinese soldiers. 
According to a statement issued by traders’ body Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT), National President B. C. Bhartia and Secretary General Praveen Khandelwal said that out of around Rs 70,000 crore business done in India every year during the Diwali season by traders, goods worth around Rs 40,000 crore were imported from China in the past years. The gross merchandise value for marketplaces engaged in festive sale in October would also increase over 50 per cent from $2.7 billion last year to $4 billion this year, says another report.
The body has also urged small scale industries along with local artisans, and craftsmen through its state-level bodies to prepare goods related to Diwali. Procurement of locally produced goods by traders  will certainly encourage artisans which are severely affected during pandemic.

Cover image source: LEDEG

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