Casegoods: Rooted in Handcrafted Tradition of India

Mumbai based furniture brand has established itself as an international brand in recent years as the designers and team members of Casegoods are disposed to introduce a craft dimension to what would generally be seen as industrial objects.

It is hard not to give up on an idea once product and furniture designers aspire to get their work mass-manufactured and it certainly requires some fine craftmanshinship to turn the attention of people seeking perverse pleasure of window shop.

Challenging the very notion of luxury craftsmanship, Casegoods was born out of a passion for materials with the commitment of their designers rooted in the Indian tradition of craft while remaining considerate to contemporary living. The entity emerged as a natural extension to the architecture practice Case Design, the studio both shares and advances the core values of the founding practice. Now standing as an independent entity, Casegoods has a dedicated design and production team, workshop, stockists, and has participated in exhibitions worldwide.


According to the firm, the products are designed keeping the sense of simplicity and grace intact. Building on relationships with craftspeople and artisans stretching back over the past two decades, the pieces developed are produced both by and with exceptional makers.

Brand’s association with local craftisan run manufacturing units and collectives go back more than 40 generations. The brand boasts to have unique access to a wide array of materials, methods, and production techniques. thousands of years ago and have been passed down through generations of craft and oral tradition.The tacit knowledge, deep understanding of materials and methods, and willingness to engage in an interactive design practice to achieve the best outcome make their contributions to both process and product invaluable.

There has been an intriguing alternative history of traditional Indian designs and the manufacturers who strike the right balance with contemporary styles are going to find their hold on the products market rapidly.

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