Durga Pandal to install idols of migrant mothers as Goddess Durga this Navratri

As a gesture of solidarity towards migrant workers, Durga Puja Club in Kolkata has decided to pay tribute to all the mothers who faced hardships during the lockdown by installing the sculpture of mother carrying her child clasped to her bosom in  place of Goddess Durga on the occasion of Navratri. Artist and Sculptors are of the opinion that they have unanimously decided to re-imagine the traditional installation of mother Durga as the goddess is the woman who braved the scalding sun, hunger and privation and yet looked after her children to feed them in the adversities which were beyond the pale of humanity, hence all these mother were noees than the incarnations of Maa Durga themselves. Idols won’t depict any weapons in their hands but hunger and indigence will be portrayed as the demons. The whole idea is to dispatch a strong message to community as the indomitable spirit of migrant mothers exhibits power and strength of divine.

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