India’s tea start-ups picking up steam again after overcoming the blight in first flush
Faced with early troubles due to lockdown in March at the start of the first harvest season, India’s seasoned and young tea producers, particularly from Northeast region are striving to bring back consumer’s focus towards the exclusivity of centuries old industry.
According to the Tea Board of India, tea production has been severely impacted with an anticipated shortfall of 170 million kg and exports suffering to the tune of 30 million kg.
Northeast India offers some of the unique blends of herbal teas made with locally produced herbs and fruits. As people tend to shift their focus towards herbal teas and see it as an exilir guaranteed to boost their immunity aganist coronavirus, many startups in Assam are keen on experimenting with flavoured tea including Indian olive, sumac berry, lemongrass ginger and ginger green tea.
Herbal teas like Aromica, Ruloi and Teaorb and others are renowned to have medicinal and anti viral qualities.Pandemic seems to have played a role of catalyst for tea producers and make use of e-commerce platforms to find target audience.
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