
Fishermen invocate Terracotta Horses as a saviour of Pulicat’s coastal town

Terracotta Horse

One will encounter a fleet of terracotta horses facing the sea while taking a stroll on the beach. Xavier Benedict, the founder- trustee of AARDE (Art & Architecture Research, Development and Education) Foundation,Pulicat, recently shared images of these horses on Facebook reviving the old tradition.

“The practice is prevalent in one particular fishing community in the region,” explains Xavier, adding that he shared the photos to “reinstate their identity during these tough times”

There is a conviction among the fishermen of small hemlet dotting pulicat that souls of their deceased kins will protect them from natural calamties hence in observance of the ritual they place the terracotta staute of horse as the embodiement of the deceased. “The pandemic has been hard on all of us, and more so on fishermen who are not able to go to sea. “There are around 35 fishing hamlets in the region and posted images are from Goonankuppam,” he adds.

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By and By the practice became the annual event in which the families of departed beings place the respective horse statues on the beach at North or South of the village neach in the hope that they will protect the village and ensure the prosperity through hefty catch from sea.Practice is now waning but horses still stands firm facing the raging sea.

Image Courtesy: The Hindu

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